{flashback friday #3}

Hmmm…  I might need to change the title if this gets to be a habit.  😉

Here’s the flashback for last week:

My dad and older siblings are in this photo.  Based on ages I was probably down for a nap or sitting on my mom’s hip while she took the photo.  😉  I wish I remembered those snow people – I really dig the tie and the hair.  I do have many wonderful snow memories though.

I loved playing outside for hours.  We would stomp a big circle in the snow and play fox and geese.  {from Wikipedia:   A traditional type of line tag, sometimes played in snow, is Fox and geese. The fox starts at the centre of a spoked wheel, and the geese flee from the fox along the spokes and around the wheel. Geese that are tagged become foxes. The intersections of the spokes with the wheel are safe zones.}  We built forts and had snowball fights and sometimes we went a few blocks over to the Shimer’s house and played on their sledding hill.  It was steep and those big black inner tubes worked really good!  Little circle plastic sleds worked good too.  Even flattened cardboard boxes worked good on that hill.  Sometimes when there was a deep snow we would stand on our front steps and fall backwards into the big drifts.  And snow angels.  We are all really good at making snow angels.

One of my favorite traditions ever is that on Christmas Eve – no matter where we are, we all do snow angels at 10 p.m. and think about each other.  I’m not sure how it started (Can you help me out Ruth?).  I sure love it though.  Some years it’s on dirt or carpet, and one year for one sister it was in a hospital bed.  I’m thankful for the time to think about each of my family and wish them a Merry Christmas under the stars.

I’m not in this photo either.  This one is of my younger siblings.  Forts like this were common in our yard during the winter.  What I absolutely love about this photo is the child-high fort and not much snow in the rest of the yard.  Every inch of snow was used.  That or maybe it was built and then the sun melted most of the rest, but the fort was left standing.  Not sure, but I like my first thought better.  😉

p.s.  I cannot tell you how much this image of how to play Duck, Duck, Goose makes me smile:

{also from Wikipedia}   Love it.  Especially when the colors change.  Another favorite game from growing up.


My one little word for 2011; effort.  It feels big to me.  Let me tell you how it came about.

This story starts decades ago when my mom would pick a color and word for the year.  She selected a word that she wanted to focus on in her scripture study.  Now, naturally you need to find a color that fits with it.  That way you can mark the passages that contain your word with that color.  I remember her saying when we were younger that her favorite color was “rainbow”.  She couldn’t pick a favorite.  This way she could have a different “favorite” each year.  She said it’s amazing how something will jump out at you because it’s your color for the year.  Same with your word.  I’m not sure why, but her “magenta” year stands out to me.  I’m not even sure what the word was.  Anyway, I thought it was something neat that my mom did.  Only my mom.

Flash forward to 2008.  I was reading and enjoying Ali Edward’s blog.  She had her one word she was focusing on, vitality.  She had found a word for a few years to focus on and I thought it was a neat idea.  I really loved her next word too – nurture.  That’s on my list for the future.  🙂  How did I not see the connection to what Ali was doing and what my mom had done for years??  I don’t know.  I guess sometimes it takes a few exposures before giving yourself the okay.  Anyway, I decided on “language” for 2008.  I wanted to focus on the language I used with my husband and children.  Positive, faith-filled language.  And my color was brown.  Why?  Mostly because it is my very favorite color (I’m not completely like my mom 😉 ).  I LOVE brown.  A nice chocolately brown.  And it seemed like  good foundational color to start with.  2009 was orange and thanksgiving.  I feel gratitude often, but had a hard time with expressing it.  Or, more accurately, making the time to express it.  That was my focus that year.  Last year was Create.  And ocean blue.  I thoroughly enjoyed my study and time creating.  And now, I think we’re to the point of why effort this year.  And the color reveal.  🙂

November of last year I had a whole list of words I could pick from and one that I really wanted.  It just didn’t feel right though.  I know it will be a word that I focus on in the future, but the timing wasn’t right.  I had never felt that before so I studied and prayed and thought and studied some more.  I tried to talk myself into certain words and then right back out again.  I thought about being patient, but I wanted a plan.  And now, please.  I proceeded to make a list of goals for the new year.  Usually I do that with the word in mind.  A little backwards, but I moved forward.  And thought and talked with my hunny and thought some more.  And prayed.  I wanted to know that my actions and whole year of study would be what the Lord wanted me to be doing.  Because what He wants of me is what is always best for me.  That I know!

The beginning of January came and I still did not have a word.  I felt closer.  I knew that my scripture study would be on prayer.  I want to focus on that communication.  I want to commune with my Father in Heaven.  I wanted my word to reflect that and my other goals.  I want to put forth my best.  Effort had come into my mind, but honestly did not seem enough for what I wanted.  It felt like the word “try” and I wanted to do.  While studying prayer I found hymn #170, “God, Our Father, Hear Us Pray” and the very last phrase stood out.  “Bless our efforts day by day”.  And it all came together.  My efforts aren’t enough.  Never will be.  Too many nights I flop into bed and think on everything I wasn’t able to get to that day.  I need to focus on what I have done and make sure each day is my best effort.  Then ask for His blessing.  My efforts blessed by God is enough.

All this was going through my head and heart as we went to the temple on Saturday, January 8th.  I prayed to know if this was my answer.  Was this my word?  I received the answer.  Overwhelmingly yes.  And a thought: “How meaningful would it have been to have the word effort without a whole lot of it getting there?”

Once again I learn to trust the Lord’s timing.

Effort.  Effort day by day.  And daily is why my color this year is Sunshine Yellow.

"Gee, do they still make wooden Christmas trees?"

Of all the trees in the world, ours is the Charlie Browniest.

Perhaps because it’s licensed.  😉

“Isn’t he the cutest thing?”

I saw this adorable tree in the Shopko ad for Black Friday.  Beautiful and wonderful.  Only 7 dollars, but I wasn’t willing to fight the crowds to pick up one item there.  Jim Bob found it the next week online.  8 bucks shipped.  That we could do.

Our Christmas tree took a little while to get this year (another story for another time).  This one came just in time to help us celebrate the season.  When we got the large one for the living room, this Charlie Brown tree moved to our bedroom.  I loved how it helped me focus on the simplicity of the true meaning of Christmas.

A few days later we added something:

It just needed a little love.

Another year we will add this to the bottom of the tree:

Family Christian had it for $24.97 this year, but ran out.  They have 25% off coupons often too, so here’s hoping for another time.  I can be patient.


“You can tell a lot about a kid by what’s under their pillow.” – Jim Bob

Said after discovering Lego magazine under Jacob’s this evening.  A while ago we found a fun discovery under Katey’s pillow:

2 pink containers of bubbles.


“We can lift ourselves and others as well when we refuse to remain in the realm of negative thought and cultivate within our hearts an attitude of gratitude.” – President Monson

I am working on cultivating {creating} a heart full of gratitude.  It takes extra thought – especially to express it.  I hope someday it flows naturally.  Too many times I look around and focus on what is lacking.  Or what there is too much of.  Always wanting something to change.  I need to focus on the good right before me.

“This is a wonderful time to be on earth.  While there is much that is wrong in the world today, there are many things that are right and good.  There are marriages that make it, parents who love their children and sacrifice for them, friends who care about us and help us, teachers who teach.  Our lives are blessed in countless ways.”

I am blessed in numberless ways.  Today I just focused on expressing sincere thanks to each of our children at least once.  I thanked Autumn for getting in her p.j.s so quick AND brushing her teeth.  I thanked Joshua for enjoying dinner and asking for seconds.  I thanked Jacob for getting dressed in his Scout Uniform for Pack Meeting cheerfully.  I thanked Caleb for not biting me today while nursing (He being the proud owner of 2 peeking through teeth).  And I thanked Katey for making me giggle today.  I live a blessed life.  One of the best parts was seeing their little eyes light up when I was talking to just them and it wasn’t something I needed them to do/ work on.  Yes, I definitely need to thank them more often.

“The grateful man sees so much in the world to be thankful for, and with him the good outweighs the evil.  Love overpowers jealousy, and light drives darkness out of his life.  …  How much happier we are in the presence of a grateful and loving soul, and how careful we should be to cultivate, through the medium of a prayerful life, a thankful attitude toward God and man!” – President Joseph F. Smith

my bouquet

All digital product by The Queen of Quirk (found at JessicaSprague.com):

Scrap Canvas – Flutter

Father Time  Accents and Paper Pack

Actions on photos by Sarah CornishSoft Pop in The Photographer’s Toolbox x2  🙂

Here are a few close-ups of our garlic.

We got quite the harvest.  Over a hundred bulbs.  If anyone would like a few, or more than a few – let me know.  🙂

Another lesson in nursery today.

I’m not talking about the lesson on “Sunday is a Day to Remember Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ”.  Although that is a very important and wonderful lesson as well.  I learned today that my nursery children sometimes get more out of the lesson while we’re coloring than during the sit down time.  I guess “sit down” time is not always a good description.  At one point today more than half were running around in ovals giggling.  Makes it hard to talk or listen.  So when they are sitting down with a bunch of colorful crayons and a paper that is all about the lesson, that’s a good thing.  I read the different sections and we talked about the wonderful ways we can worship on the sabbath:

On Sunday I can go to church.

On Sunday I can show special love to my family.

On Sunday I can read the scriptures.

Sunday is a day to remember Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ.

I love being reminded of the basics.  If I just focused on those things above – what a wonderful day of worship and rest it would be.

Important and wonderful.  The other lesson in nursery was also applicable and I felt aimed right at me.  A few of the boys in nursery are excellent hoarders.  They have their favorite tractors, cars, dishes, bouncy balls and even books.  One today piled all the goodness in his arms and then just walked around watching the other children playing.  He had so many good toys.  His favorites.  But he had so many that his arms were full and he could not enjoy any of them.  Oh how often do I fill my life with so many good things that it is simply too many?  Too many things to enjoy and my schedule is just bursting.  I need to remind myself that it is okay to leave a few of those things at different times.  Leave them for others to enjoy.  And for me to enjoy at a later time.

p.s.  He did end up leaving the toys in a pile and sending most of them flying down a tube.  We learned cars with bigger wheels travel farther (thanks to the sweet sister helping out today for pointing that out) and balls of all sizes will roll until they hit the wall.  😉  Quite enjoyable and educational.

So I did.

Our Relief Society Birthday dinner was on September 9th.  The theme was “Beauty Within”.  We had yummy bread bowls and a variety of soups.  Perfect for this time of year and so nice to do when many people are helping out.  I was on the committee this time.  I got to help make invitations and arrange the centerpieces.  I also got to help dish up the yummy dessert – blonde brownies topped with vanilla ice cream and drizzled with a buttery syrup and caramel.  yum!

Those on the committee also got to do the program (I found that out later 😉 ).  It was neat though.  They had each of us tell about a talent we have.  They asked for unique talents and I thought for a while.  I do feel blessed.  I had parents that told me often that I was talented while growing up.  And I believed them.  One of the first talents that came to mind (and I stuck with) is that I can entertain and teach children.  I’m still working on the patience part.  I definitely don’t have it all figured out, but I do love spending time with children – partly because I am so childish myself.

I read a book to the sisters there.  It’s one of my favorites and fit nicely with the “Beauty Within” (we-all-have-different-talents) theme.  Want a peeksy?

“Stand Tall, Molly Lou Melon” by Patty Lovell, Illustrated by David Catrow.

The book begins, “Molly Lou Melon stood just taller than her dog and was the shortest girl in the first grade. She didn’t mind. Her grandma had told her, ‘Walk as proudly as you can and the world will look up to you.’ … So she did.”

“Molly Lou Melon had buck teeth that stuck out so far, she could stack pennies on them. She didn’t mind. Her grandma had told her, ‘Smile big and the world will smile right alongside you.’ … So she did.”

The book goes on to describe a few more of the unique characteristics of Molly Lou Melon and the sage advice from her grandma. Towards the middle of the story, “…Molly Lou Melon moved to a new town. She had to say good-bye to her grandma and all of her friends… and start in a new school.”

One kid at the new school trys to make fun of her for her uniqueness, but she shows how wonderful those characteristics can be. Read the book to find out how she accomplishes that task and why at the end she writes to her grandma, “I wanted to tell you that everything you told me was exactly right! Love, Molly Lou Melon”

So sweet and good!

I also talked about dress-up and how much fun we have with that at our house.  I made mustache suckers for my little ones and we had so much fun with them – we made them for a family reunion too.

I talked about how it is fun to change our outward appearance, but it is truly what is on the inside that counts.  The Lord looks on the heart and we should strive to as well.

I made a mustache sucker for each of the ladies there.  I made them using “He’s the Man” digital kit by Dani Mogstad and Traci Reed:

I told them that they could eat them themselves or take them to someone they thought would enjoy it.  I taught them how to use them (oh-so-hard! 😉 ).  I mentioned that Bishop Bingham had already taught us to unwrap them.  I demonstrated with the wrapper on though and showed how to pop the sucker in and instantly change your appearance.  🙂  I wiggled my eyebrows (love the play-by-play??) and then put the sucker back in the big bowl of suckers ready to hand out.  Oops!  I grabbed it out fast and said “I’ll just keep this one”.  I never said being smooth was one of my talents.

{If you want to download the file to print your own, go here (Girl Talk, the creative team blog for Dani).}

{{Actions on photos from Sarah Cornish at myfourhens photography.  ”Hand Crafted” from Blended set.  *swoon*}}

I agree!

‎”The worst part of being sick is missing out on a WHOLE day of food.” – Joshua, age 7

He should know, poor guy.  Katey had the bug-a-boo for  a few days and now it’s on to Joshua.  🙁  Hopefully it doesn’t go beyond.

Tonight we had homemade pizza for dinner and the poor guy was just sad. I saved him a few pieces, but it’s just not the same. Here’s hoping it’s a short bug.
p.s. He’s had a massive headache and been throwing up all day. I think it’s downright adorable that the worst part isn’t any of that – it’s missing out on the food.

Little lessons

Katey and I were playing in nursery today.  Katey had lined up a whole variety of plates, utensils and cups.  She explained the whole buffet to me (including “hot dogs” that looked suspiciously like corn on the cob).  She had a little cup she was “drinking” out of.  I asked what was in that one and she replied, “tea”.  I explained that tea is not good for our bodies, but we could pretend it was something else.  Hot chocolate, lemonade, juice… so many possibilities.  I then asked what was in her cup.  “Tea” she said.

I was trying to decide whether to continue the lesson or let it wait for a different time.  She is only two I told myself.  While I sat there debating I saw her pick up the cup, walk over to the play kitchen and pour the “tea” down the sink.  She then washed the cup (complete with whooshing water sounds) and returned to the table.  “It has juice!” she announced.  Later she told me, “Apple juice is good for our bodies”.

I should have known she was capable of understanding.  But just talking about it wasn’t going to change what was in the cup.  You have to act.  Katey showed me that today.  And there you have it.  A one-on-one Word of Wisdom lesson in nursery.  For the both of us.

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