Spotlight: {Mommy}

Daddy:  Who would like to start? *All hands raised* – They know how to make a girl feel loved. Daddy:  Now remember the rules – you need to stand on your head, plug your nose and tell Mom why you love her. Josh:  *while standing on his head & plugging his nose* I love Mom […]

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1001 Words #4

  Guardian {aperture: f/4.5, ISO 200, shutter speed: 1/25, 53mm on 28-135 mm lens} 1001 Words is a fun little series where I post one photo + one word.

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Easter Tidings

Happy Easter from our family! Drewby’s drawing: “There is light in the tomb.”

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Fish story

Can you guess what the Sunbeam lesson was about on Sunday? What I learned: 3. Crocodiles – the bad ones – eat bugs and bees while baby alligators eat monkeys. (thank you Caleb & Madi) 2. There are a lot of stories in the Bible about fish. The creation, Jonah & the whale, fishermen disciples, […]

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Meet Me Here…

My layout for Mandi’s Scrap-Along. Seems more of our date nights lately are after the little ones go to bed. Evenings are just a touch on the busy side.  I’ll take any time with my mister though.  So – here’s to taking it up a notch – busting out the fresh lemonade and making it […]

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Spotlight: {Daddy}

Daddy:  I love me because… oh, okay – Mommy can start. Mommy:  Daddy rocks the treats for Family Home Evening.  Tonight it was all about the yummy theater popcorn.  He even acquired the popcorn maker this evening.  He has big plans to grow Glass Gem Corn for popping.  Beautiful!  Also, for a few days now Jim Bob […]

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Mandi’s instructions for her Scrap-Along are up! 🙂 Come play! Fun instructions and a whole glorious week to complete! {Her seriously cute ad.} & a peek at the prize for entering: Polkas and woodgrain – sign me up!  

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Sunbeam lesson: I Am Thankful for Trees, Plants & Flowers {I subbed today! :)} My top 3 moments from today: 3. When explaining pollination and asking what animal helps plants by pollinating one sweet little girl burst out with “Elephants!” That was a fun visual. 2. One little one commented that trees are for climbing […]

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My getting-stuck-in-the-mud outfit – last Saturday: [Coat:  Old Navy – $20, Skirt:  hand-me-down, Shoes:  DI – $5] {oops! In my defense the muddy area was snow covered and I didn’t realize how boggy it was.} Here’s Jim Bob’s getting-me-out-of-the-mud outfit: [Coat:  North Face – eBay $50, Hat:  Mission gift, Cords:  DI – $4, Boots: IFA – […]

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2001 Words – special edition ;)

Equality {And since I’m breaking the rules a little bit and having two photos – I’ll use more words and explain a bit. 😉  Last year at the Pipes’ Family Reunion Katey put on her brother’s jeans.  Not just any – his Wranglers.  They looked pretty good on her – so why not.  Equality.}

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