Fish story

Can you guess what the Sunbeam lesson was about on Sunday?


What I learned:
3. Crocodiles – the bad ones – eat bugs and bees while baby alligators eat monkeys. (thank you Caleb & Madi)
2. There are a lot of stories in the Bible about fish. The creation, Jonah & the whale, fishermen disciples, feeding the multitude with loaves and fish…
1. Cutting fish free-hand is impressive. Cutting sharks is infinitely more appreciated by three-year-olds.

After we got home Meri had her turn loving on the fish:

fish-4 fish-6 fish-8

She kept saying “Feesh!” and “Feeshies!” It was so sweet.  Jim Bob put the jar in the window sill of the dining room while she ate her lunch.  She had the hardest time concentrating – just kept moving so she could see those swimming, fascinating beauties.


{Big thank you to Mom Pipes for letting me not only borrow her guppies – but let me have her rainbow fish crackers as well! :)}

And a quick little update on Caleb’s growing project from last week:


He’s so excited.  He wore it around his neck for half of Monday.  🙂

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