My layout for Mandi’s Scrap-Along. Seems more of our date nights lately are after the little ones go to bed. Evenings are just a touch on the busy side. I’ll take any time with my mister though. So – here’s to taking it up a notch – busting out the fresh lemonade and making it a dinner date. You know that’s right.
{Credits: Zig-Zag paper and frames by Mandi Miles – Bubblegum Alley; Paint Splats, puffy paint arrows, arrow stitched holes, stamped alpha, and exclamations by CD Muckosky; paper arrows, flower, arrow heart, transparent arrow & xxs&oos by Weeds and Wildflowers, Hello there tag and orange arrow by Pink Paislee, Curved black arrow by Dani Mogstad, glitter overlay by Jen Wilson, font: Bohemian Typewriter}

Love it.
Your date nights sound just exactly like ours. Though I did give *B* a year of dates for Christmas this year so we would have to get out of the house at least once a month. The end of the month is coming quickly. We’d better get on that.
Thanks for playing along Becky. You’re awesome [and I’ll get your link right out to you]!
Thanks Mandi! That’s a great idea for a gift. 🙂 Are they all planned out?
Thanks for the inspiration – and I’m excited about your kit to put in my folder of your goodies – yee haw! 🙂