Plans for tomorrow:
{made with Paper – sweet app by 53}
Adventures in Chocolate, con.
Maybe there should be a whole series?? 😉
In this post here I showed this fun lovin’ photo of bunnies from story hour at the library:
I love how with the same pieces the bunnies can look so different. 🙂
Now for the big reveal:
The “chocolate bunny” belongs to Katey. She might love it a little:
And this one:
He is named “Grandfather Rabbit” and belongs to Andrew. The mustache was drawn with some help by me. Andrew started to and then decided it needed mommy help. When I finished I realized I drew it upside down. oops… oh well. Maybe bunny mustaches grow that way. 😉
Caleb’s is the one all the way on the right. The one with a monocle. I’m sure that’s what he was thinking.
{Ruth – I loved reading your guesses and the logic behind them. I bet if I had told you the names you would have gotten it for sure. ;)}
For fun I grabbed three books from the stack we borrowed. One that each of them picked out. You would definitely want a monocle to read about monster trucks – especially the Spanish sections – that’s Caleb’s. The dinosaur one picked out by Drewby (he can read it himself!) and the Lalaloopsy girls – that would be Katey’s selection.
Just to remember a little bit about what they loved at this point in time. Love my readers.
Adventures in chocolate
I just had to share a few more photos from the brownie-pocket experience.
And *thankfully* the pants came clean with just a little scrubbing. Oh, that boy makes me laugh – I love the way his little brain ticks. It would have been worth losing a pair of pants if need be.
Here’s a peek into our library story hour from a few weeks back:
See if you can guess which bunny belongs to each child:
Not the best photo – but taken the same day so I’m using it. 🙂 I’ll be back in a few days with the answer.
All the bunnies are adorable! The one in the middle with all the brown squiggles – I was told it was chocolate. A bunny covered in chocolate. Brilliant.
Spotlight: Grandma
Andrew: I love grandma because she lets us come over to her house every Sunday.
Josh: I love it when grandma lets us come over to her house when mom and dad go on a trip or have a baby.
Autumn: I like grandma because she likes to bring dinners to us and she’s really super-upper-duper nice.
Jacob: I love grandma because of all the many times she has helped, like babysitting.
Caleb: I like to say prayer with grandma.
Katelyn: Well, I love her because we have lunch at her house.
Becky: I love that grandma helps teach our kids, especially right after church when they are telling her about all their primary lessons and she simply bears testimony and gives them lots of attention. She helps teach them… and us!
Jim Bob: I love my mom because she has buckets of love for all of us, not just a little for each one.
Obviously – we’re throughly spoiled by Grandma and thankful she lives nearby. You never know what life might bring – so she says she wants to take advantage now. We’re grateful. We also love that she came to visit for Family Home Evening and was our guest spotlight. It was a few weeks ago and I remembered this draft today. Why? Because our home is quiet – it’s Sunday afternoon and the little ones are at Grandma’s. 😉
Here she is – with her daughter Mary Elizabeth (Liz to most 🙂 ) and Meri. Three Mary (Meri’s) all together… love.
p.s. She really is super-uper-duper nice. 🙂
Greeting card or framed print? Hard to decide…
Caleb has fully discovered his pockets and all the treasures he can keep in them.
{supply list here}
Dear Birthday Boy,
I know all you wanted for your birthday was hugs, kisses and a bike ride with me. Although those are good and you’ll definitely get them, I had additional plans. I had a feeling your big birthday present wouldn’t make it in time for the big day – today! I was right. In anticipation of that, I decided to get an additional happiness with two day shipping. That was last Thursday. I received an email letting me know your present would not arrive until tomorrow. 🙁 So today you’re getting a big fat I.O.U.. Then I got to thinking about all the things I owe you for already. There’s a list. I would suggest getting a sideline camera to capture these moments.
I owe you:
* For helping around the house. You juggle baby dancing, changing a dirty diaper and cleaning the toilet while in the same hour talking to clients and fixing text on a webpage. And that was just this morning.
And look at you – super fuzzy hero cape. I like.
* For keeping a varied soundtrack playing in our home. A little U2, a little Kenny, a little MoTab. I mention liking an artist (like Andy Grammer) and next thing I know “Keep Your Head Up” is playing for a lunch date and days later I hear this one playing while you’re working:
{psst… It’s fine by me if we always ride bikes together and share fruit juice over crushed ice late at night. Forever.}
* For reading my blog. And sometimes even commenting. You keep up on what I enjoy and encourage my craziness. Whether it’s trying to stuff as much photography knowledge in my head as possible to diligently reading the parenting class manual for church. I love you for loving me so completely.
* For tolerating the camera going everywhere. And for planning fun dates with the Elder’s Quorum – where you rock the bowling and I photograph us in color blocked shoes.
* For coaxing the sweetest smiles from our little ones when I’m taking photos.
{behind the scenes}
You are so patient… and look at these results.
Looks like the finger wrapping works both ways. 😉
* For letting me off easy on birthday meals & treats. Honestly, I’m not buying the reason that you picked leftover biscuits and fresh pineapple for breakfast is because it is a “favorite”. And while you love lasagna, I have got to think that part of the reason you picked it is that there is one in the fridge ready to bake. Now shaved ice for dessert. That one, while easy, might be legit.
So here’s to celebrating your birthday all week long as the presents roll in. Starting with the sucker I got at the bank today.
After all, I owe you.
Riding along
While scrolling through pocket booth photos on Jim Bob’s phone I discovered this one:
Taken on July 11 of last year.
Notice the wildflowers in the basket? Those were from my hunny. I love our biking-near-fields dates. They are some of my very favorites.
It’s time to get my bike out and get riding again. Fun. class goodness
Just a quick post to let you know there is a deal right now for Jessica Sprague’s beginning classes. I *adore* her teaching style and have learned so much from her classes. One of my favorite things are the little shortcuts she mentions off hand that save me time. I also love her humor and years of knowledge she freely shares.
Here are the two classes you can take with the groupon (there are plenty others on her site if you’re looking for more advanced or different type of class):
Up & Running With Photoshop – Beginning Digital Scrapbooking
If you click on the links – or photos – above it will take you to the class description. I love that the classes are self-paced and never expire – the videos can be viewed forever. They are always sitting there waiting for you to watch and review.
With the groupon (which can be captured in the next couple days), the classes are $20 each (usually $49) or both for $35. Amazingly good deal. The classes can also be given as gifts. Enjoy!
Spotlight: Meri Jane
Daddy: I love Meri Jane’s absolutely contagious smiles, her adorable talking and her adoring eyes.
Joshua: Dad, you took mine.
Caleb: I like Meri Jane. (all musical-like)
Andrew: I like Meri Jane because she was loving me tonight. She was like this: *big happy open mouth and blink eyes*. Then she opened her mouth a couple times and then closed it and then a like a couple seconds later she opened and closed it again.
Autumn: She is sooo cute and drools. Yeah. I don’t know why it’s so cute.
Joshua: She took mine… again!
Jacob: I love Meri’s playful, happy attitude. And the sense of wonder that she has.
Joshua: Meri has cute pajamas. And also I like Meri’s little purple binky.
Caleb: Some monkeys! Some monkeys on Meri!! Monkeys on her jammies.
Mommy: Meri has charmed us all… and continues to do so. She coos so sweetly and has a sweet, loving disposition. She kicks her legs when she’s excited and moves her arms in circles – it’s really cute.
(Katey is napping. She would say “Meri is so cute. She is the perfect sister for me.” Better than any doll.)
Katey (just came out to join us for FHE): Meri always tells me cute little jokes.
Dreamy Me
I had a dream this afternoon.
There was an academic competition at the high school I went to growing up. I was high school age again and all about competing. Right before the competition I was gathering up my children to come watch. The last one was on the roof of the school. As I was up there I noticed a young man in peril. There was a super-sonic jet about to take off to carry him and his broken camera to a repair shop. I helped him get on the platform when the whole surrounding area was taken up into the jet – me included.
The ride to the shop was crazy fast… and fun. Just a quick stop there to drop off the camera and the young man – the rest of us didn’t even get out. The ride back was even more fast. At one point the pilot told us to raise our hands to the ceiling. He dove down and landed on the school roof. It was exhilarating.
I hopped out of that machine and ran down to the gym for the competition. I got there just in time to run up to the microphone, wait for the last person before me to introduce himself and then take my turn. I said, with all sorts of confidence, “My name is Becky Pipes. I am from Shoshone High School and we are here to win. Bring it!”
Then I woke up.
I would love an interpretation of my dream. For now I know two things:
1. My identity of here and now is pretty strong. My age reverted, but I was still married with children. Groovy.
2. I would definitely ride in a super-sonic jet if my camera needed to be fixed.