Spotlight: Caleb

Daddy:  Caleb, I love you because you are such a good talker.  You talk really, really good and say cute things.  You are fun to listen to.

Who wants to go next?  Caleb:  ME!!!

Andrew:  I like Caleb because he is so cute.

Caleb:  I kiss Jacob.  I want to kiss you.

Joshua:  He is so creative with drawing.  I remember once coming home and seeing one of Caleb’s paintings.  It had a line of green and a squiggle of yellow and a blotch of blue – it was so creative.

Jacob:  I love Caleb because he is so playful.

Caleb:  I burped!  (I think he likes being the center of attention.)

Katey:  I love him because he is always drawing and playing with me and Andrew.  That’s all I love about him.

Caleb:  Everyone loves me.  It’s good.  And Autumn.

Autumn:  Caleb is so cute and has sparkly eyes.

Caleb:  I have eyes.  I have two eyes.  Katey has two eyes.  And Duke!  Duke has eyes.

Mommy:  Caleb is so sweet and a good explorer.  He loves Meri and calls her “Meri Jane”.  He even corrects people when they don’t.  He is also very good at giving high fives (Big Fives he calls them and they have to be dead on or they must be done again) and knuckles and booms.

Meri:  Uh, Uh, Uh  (fuss, fuss – “my tummy doesn’t feel right”)  *yawn* (“I’m tired.”)

Caleb:  I’m awake!  I not go to sleep.


March Forth…

I’ve been crushing on this site:  Purdue Avenue

What’s not to love about a site that features crafty goodness, photography tips and inspiration about life?  As promised, it is a site that leads to all things fabulous.  See?


{Click on any of the photos to go straight to that project.}

The tutorials are thorough – complete with pictures and ooze creativity.  I would not mind taking up permanent residence on Purdue Avenue.

One of the contributors is my very good friend Mandi.  I *adore* her.  She posts sweet and fun weekly layouts of her family.  Weekly!  She also makes adorable stuff like this:

and this:

And inspiring things like these:

Cards can be downloaded here.

Mandi does all the research and lets you know the best products and process.  Even those photos turn out cute.


Mandi made my blog header – I’m so blessed.  Have you noticed that my puddle splashes change each time you visit… or refresh?  Try it out.  🙂  Love!  And she sent me the cutest package when Meri was born.  Mandi found things I had pinned on Pinterest and made them for me.  All in my color I chose for last year.  Who does that?  Mandi.  She’s amazing.

I love her idea of setting goals on March 4th.  I always need a refresher by then.

Here is my first week in March goal:

My comments on the blog:  “I have spent a full day contemplating. Then I realized there is more than one week in March and that took some of the pressure off. 🙂 So I decided. This week I will not let my perfectionism keep me from starting. Yes, there are things that I put off doing because I know they won’t be perfect in the near future. I’m going to start anyway. Starting with a newsletter I volunteered to make… over a month ago.”

Almost  week later – “I did pretty good on my goal – it wasn’t everyday though.  🙁  And there my perfectionism peeks out again.  So – I’m gonna celebrate what I did accomplish!  ready?  *  Newsletter for the Humanitarian Center?  started, finished and delivered.  hurray!  * a guest blog post for the 1940 census blog?  sweet.  fun photo shoot for said post?  can do.  Except not a 1940s radio in site.  Instead I sketched a radio for a backdrop and let my little ones dance in front.  It worked and I think it turned out even cuter than my first idea – love.  And my final one?  I haven’t hung anything on one of my bedroom walls because I’d love to re-paint it sometime.  So here’s a beautiful wall needing a little color with no holes at all.  I decided it’s okay to put a few holes in it while it waits to get painted.  It’s right by where Meri sleeps and I put up the most beautiful yellow cloth banner EVER.  And it makes me smile.

Thanks for getting me started Mandi!”

Here’s my goal for this week:

Some posts from my draft folder, some formulating in my brain… consider yourself warned.  🙂


Licorice Sticks and Motorized Freckles


According to the North Carolina Museum of History that fun phrase was slang for “hello” in the 1940s.

Slang can also be used to describe or “name” new objects.  One such object created in the 1940s still holds mountains of fascination in our household.  Our six-year-old asked for a set for his birthday.  Instead of calling it a “portable, hand-held, two-way radio transceiver”, he called it by it’s slang term… walkie-talkie.  He wanted them so he would be able to communicate to his brothers – one in the bunk bed above him and the other about 6 feet away in another bed.  I can just imagine the conversations:

*Hey, psst… you sleeping yet?*  *over*

*no…  you?*  *over*

*Do you want to take a ride in my popsicle’s bathtub tomorrow?* (Because they will, of course, be on top of all 1940s slang and will know that popsicle=motorcycle and bathtub=sidecar 😉 )  *over*



And something new I learned – Roger comes from the radio alphabet used at the time for military and civilian aviation.  The radio alphabet was “…used to spell out words when speaking to someone not able to see the speaker.”  Roger was used for the letter R and in transmitting R stood for received.  Roger?

“The first radio receiver/transmitter to be widely nicknamed “Walkie-Talkie” was the backpacked Motorola SCR-300, created by an engineering team in 1940 at the Galvin Manufacturing Company (fore-runner of Motorola).”

It looked like this:

Try sleeping with that under your pillow.

“Motorola also produced the hand-held AM SCR-536 radio during World War II, and it was called the “Handie-Talkie” (HT).”

It looked like this:

And came with helpful instructions apparently.

“The terms are often confused today, but the original walkie talkie referred to the back mounted model, while the handie talkie was the device which could be held entirely in the hand (but had vastly reduced performance). Both devices ran on vacuum tubes and used high voltage dry cell batteries.”

Two others credited with working on the technology behind the walkie-talkie are radio engineer Alfred J. Gross and Canadian inventor Donald Hings.   They each developed and tested a device in the late 1930s.  Gross was recruited to help develop a “two-way, air-to-ground radio system for covert use by troops behind enemy lines during World War II” while Hings model was used in military service in 1942.  (

Here is a photo of a walkie-talkie (technically a handie-talkie) being used by a US soldier- July 1944 in the Dutch New Guinea:

If I had a walkie-talkie and you did too… I would let you know there are only 18 days until the 1940 census is available.  Can you feel the excitement?  Head over to the 1940 Census Project website to sign up as an indexer and get in on this killer-diller (good stuff).

Those slang terms in the title?  licorice stick = clarinet and motorized freckles = insects.  If you got those right, then you should flip your wig because you’re cookin’ with gas!

** One of those disclosure statements:  As part of ambassador program (theme this week:  transportation, science and technology of the 1940s) this blog post enters me into a drawing for one of four $50 Amazon gift cards.   That would buy a lot of presentation paper, a few books on my list, or handfuls of jelly beans.  Maybe all three.  Join me as an ambassador for a chance to win similar prizes.  🙂  Okay, so the last half wasn’t part of the disclosure description, but it’d fun, no?**

behind the scenes…

Yesterday the post I wrote for the 1940 Census blog went live.

You swingin’?

The blog is all about generating interest for when the 1940 census is made public on April 2nd.  More about that on this post here.  🙂  Have you indexed? It is basically transcribing handwritten or typed images into digital images so they are searchable. My favorites so far have been draft cards – there were some fascinating questions in Ohio.  All types of records are being indexed so they can be searchable for family history. I’ve always been a people watcher.  I love the time period of the 40s – and I’ve been indexing for a few years and love that too.  It kinda just all came together for me to be a blog ambassador for the 1940 Census Project. 🙂

Here are a few back-stage photos behind the post.

My cast of characters:

By characters, I mean characters:


The fun backdrop:

I imagined a 1940s radio for my little ones to dance by, but wasn’t able to find one in real life.  That’s when I sketched one on a roll of butcher paper and hung it in our treehouse.

It works – and I think it’s kinda whimsically fun too.  Don’t you love when things turn out even better than imagined?

Could not have pulled it off without my man and his skills:

Although we didn’t need it, he knows how to work the reflector too.


We got some great shots:

And lest you think the whole shoot was frosting and sprinkles, I captured this fine moment:

To make the post have a more 40s feel I turned the photos black and white.  SO very fun.

Happy Indexing!  🙂

communication of a 3-year-old

Katey did you go potty?



“I winked. That means yes!”

Clever: a story in three tweets

March 1st:

When I put peanut butter and raisins on my three-year-olds celery this morning she proclaimed that I was clever.  #whythankyou

AND she just declared the celery yummier than fruit snacks.  #forthemommywin

I’ll tell you what’s clever… wearing a very fluffy lacey slip as a skirt and a sweater on top. Adorable Katey.


Spotlight: Katey Belle

Daddy:  I love that Katey is always dancing – flitting around on her tippy toes, leaping around and twirling… she is our little ballerina princess.

Mommy:  Katey adores her little sister Meri.  She is always watching out for her and making sure she is happy.  Katey shares her special pink blankie and favorite doll with Meri all the time.  She even leaves them with her overnight.

Jacob:  What I love about Katey is that she is so playful – running around and being active.  She is always trying to have a lot of fun.

Joshua:  Katey is always willing to let me read her bedtime stories when Jacob is babysitting.

Katey:  It’s your turn Autumn… what do you like about mmeeeee?

Autumn:  I love that Katey is always smiling.  She shows her bright shiny teeth.

Andrew:  I love Andrew.  oh… *head shake*.   I love Katey because she always plays games with me.

Caleb:  I LOOOVE Katey!

Daddy:  Why do you love Katey?

(*Katey whispering in Caleb’s ear.* – Later we found out she was telling him that he loves her – no specifics sadly.)

Daddy:  I’m sure Meri loves you because you share with her… and someday you will teach her all about being a girl.

*moving on*

Katey:  Daddy!!  I didn’t tell mine.

Daddy:  okay…

Katey:  What I love about Meri is that she kicks my hands with her feet.

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