Tonight Katey Belle (my two-year-old) pulled out a huge long piece of tape. When I gave her my best disapproving look she said “you can’t leave me alone”. Ha!
p.s. I was in the same room as her. 😉
More fun than galoshes in the rain.
Tonight Katey Belle (my two-year-old) pulled out a huge long piece of tape. When I gave her my best disapproving look she said “you can’t leave me alone”. Ha!
p.s. I was in the same room as her. 😉
Katey and I were playing in nursery today. Katey had lined up a whole variety of plates, utensils and cups. She explained the whole buffet to me (including “hot dogs” that looked suspiciously like corn on the cob). She had a little cup she was “drinking” out of. I asked what was in that one and she replied, “tea”. I explained that tea is not good for our bodies, but we could pretend it was something else. Hot chocolate, lemonade, juice… so many possibilities. I then asked what was in her cup. “Tea” she said.
I was trying to decide whether to continue the lesson or let it wait for a different time. She is only two I told myself. While I sat there debating I saw her pick up the cup, walk over to the play kitchen and pour the “tea” down the sink. She then washed the cup (complete with whooshing water sounds) and returned to the table. “It has juice!” she announced. Later she told me, “Apple juice is good for our bodies”.
I should have known she was capable of understanding. But just talking about it wasn’t going to change what was in the cup. You have to act. Katey showed me that today. And there you have it. A one-on-one Word of Wisdom lesson in nursery. For the both of us.
It started out just your normal playing house type activity. A couple of dolls, a bathroom in the attic.
Andy-roo decided to get a little crazy with people falling out of windows and watching fireworks on the roof. He found it quite humorous.
Katey not so much. Autumn even joined in the fun and had a mommy hanging upside down from her knees.
Children imitate life, no? Heh.
My favorite part came when Andrew handed me a doll to play with him. Of course I was the little girl.
Andrew proceeded to explain: “I am your daddy. You love me. And I… I call you furball.”
p.s. I took the set up shots later. I try to not have a camera attached to me at ALL times. 😉 Andrew informed me that the dolly above is not Furball, because Furball is the “one with calm hair”. Oops. (p.p.s. Really??!?! He cracks me up!)
Tonight during his personal interview Andrew informed me that he wants to learn more ninja things in preschool. I asked him if he has ever seen a ninja. Oh yes – yesterday at the parade. He said that they wear headbands, white clothes, and that they break green wood with their hands and don’t even get hurt. (That happened to be the local karate school showing off their skills on a float.)
Seeing as I am his preschool teacher, I am quite flattered by his vote of confidence.
Joshua informed me this evening, “I’m thinking about having a crush”.
Hmmm, I’m thinking about how I feel about that.
Just last summer he was lovin’ on this:
Joshua’s first crush
“This album is perfect for dancing with your hunny in a softly lit treehouse (*Anchor* & *All The Pennies*) or solo in a wildflower-floored meadow (*Whole Wide World* & *This Is My Song*). It’s also ideal diaper-changing, bathtime, baby photoshoot background music (*I Do Adore* & *Hourglass*). All of which I have done today. Except the dancing. Which I plan to remedy this evening.”
{disclosure: I do not write reviews on ITunes very often. This would be my first. I do *adore* this musical happiness. Part of the wonderful fun was that Mindy had it streaming on her blog for a week. I feel in love. “Whole Wide World” and “All The Pennies” are my very favorites. Jim Bob heard me listening and loving it so much that he surprised me with the download the day it came out. Love.}
p.s. Click on the cover art above to hear a sample.
Drewby climbed out of bed to inform me he could not wait until morning. It was obviously urgent – he even convinced Jacob to come with him. Then the story came out. “My tongue is grumbling.”
Somehow his tongue will wait until morning to be fed.
I overheard Andrew asking his brothers tonight, “Hey, do I have a water mustache?”
Jacob found me weeding in the garden. He sat down, ate his otter pop …
and asked me that age-old question – “Mom, what’s for lunch?” My classic response followed – “what sounds good?” {You know, looking for ideas. ;)} Jacob came back with his usual, “what do we have?” {aw, no love.} So I said, “I can make mac-n-cheese”. “Anything else” was the reply. “Um, we have chicken strips in the freezer.”
“You just said magical words Mom!” Now we’re talking.
He continued to finish his frozen goodness and we talked. He said he likes to talk with me “without the craziness of the other kids”. There are times. 🙂
One of the funniest things he said that cracked me up was, “I don’t like the smell of grapes.” “yeah?” I said trying to decide if grapes are really that smelly. “Well, grapes are okay. I don’t like the smell of grape juice.” okay, now grape juice does have an aroma. Not a bad one to me, but okay. Jacob then proceeded to explain, “It’s just part of my personality. It’s in my DNA.”
Heh – I think that’s my favorite excuse yet – at least from a nine-year-old.
p.s. I think those way happy smiles are from the fact that I asked him to go back out to the garden for a photoshoot after I cleaned my dirty hands up. That’s right, a whole ‘nother pop to enjoy. The original was blue. 🙂
Andrew was supposed to be taking a nap. His mind was obviously just racing though. I came into the bedroom and he asked “Do bats have batteries? … because they fly.” Hmmm, not sure if he was thinking about Daddy’s remote control bird man that has batteries or something else that flies with the aid of batteries. Battery-aid, ha that’s funny. Anyway after a nice discussion about bats eating food and getting energy to fly (thus not needing batteries) he asked another important question… “Mom, do jet packs have batteries?”
I am Becky Pipes. Mother of eight little rascals, each one a blessing. I love finding joy in the everyday. Digital scrapbooking convert, ice cream aficionado and all around easy-going gal.
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