
**Happy Independence Day!** Here are a few gems from my scripture study this morning. ‎”Faith of our fathers, we will strive to win all nations unto thee, And thru the truth that comes from God, mankind shall then be truly free.” (hymn #84)  I love that verse 3 teaches us how to win all nations […]

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Parenting Lesson #3,092

…that I’m learning, but who’s counting.  😉 If the answer is going to be yes anyway, you might as well say it with an exaggerated nod and a sparkle in your eye. Case in point: Katey asked for the largest, curvest banana in the bunch. I answered with my sparkly nod, letting her know I […]

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Welcome to Stop #13…

and I’m elated to have you join me.  Welcome on your journey – from the lovely, crafty Antonia’s blog. {Link no longer available.  It has been disabled because the blog hop is now done.  🙂  You can still purchase the mini kits in Jessica Sprague’s store.  Bags made with the designer’s 4ever bloghop kits:  label from Carina’s mini […]

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My very favorites…

Here we are in the Mormon Miracle Pageant: {photo by Rick Egan, Salt Lake City Tribune – June 14, 2011} JB, me and our little ones all around. My very favorite part of the pageant is when Christ calls up the children to teach and bless them – a scene straight from the Book of Mormon […]

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PaRt-ay pRep…

For part of’s birthday there is a 47-stop blog hop full of birthday gifts… for you.  Definitely party time!  🙂  All details below:  

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Growing in Wisdom…

This is JB’s Father’s Day present.  Growing in Wisdom by Simon Dewey.  Jim Bob oh-so-subtly hinted that he would love this painting for any holiday:  a birthday, Christmas or 4th of July (okay, he didn’t go that far 😉 ).  He did make it very obvious that he loved it and showed me where he […]

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Birthday Bogey

I adore my birthday.  Always have.  Yesterday was very busy and I didn’t get to post.  🙁  No bother, birthday bogeys are almost as fun.  It’s the day after ( bogey – a la golf terms)  I also have something for alliteration.  Both loves I share with my mom. One of the best parts about […]

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bonne buche 2

Thinking on happy unions… one reason for my parent’s successful marriage is that they have always had mistletoe hanging in their home. Year-round. Multiple locations. One right over the kitchen sink for whomever is washing the dishes.  😉 These photos are from their mission apartment when we were there on Mother’s Day.  🙂  

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Invitation to Eternal Happiness…

Such exciting happenings going on around here… it’s hard to even find the time to post.  This is one of those buoyant, blissful, effervescent type of happenings.  We are so thrilled for Erin and Tyson.  We hope they are blessed with an eternity of happiness.  Later I found this wording on a wedding announcement…  “…dinner, dancing […]

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Ca-hootenanny!, pt.2

I also made blank “Wanted posters”, with a twist. Each person selects a dream (big or small) and write/draws all about it. Pick a reward to finish it off. Here’s my digital version.  A small(er) dream that I would love to have come true over and over. I think this would be a fantastical date […]

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