{flashback friday #3}

Hmmm…  I might need to change the title if this gets to be a habit.  😉

Here’s the flashback for last week:

My dad and older siblings are in this photo.  Based on ages I was probably down for a nap or sitting on my mom’s hip while she took the photo.  😉  I wish I remembered those snow people – I really dig the tie and the hair.  I do have many wonderful snow memories though.

I loved playing outside for hours.  We would stomp a big circle in the snow and play fox and geese.  {from Wikipedia:   A traditional type of line tag, sometimes played in snow, is Fox and geese. The fox starts at the centre of a spoked wheel, and the geese flee from the fox along the spokes and around the wheel. Geese that are tagged become foxes. The intersections of the spokes with the wheel are safe zones.}  We built forts and had snowball fights and sometimes we went a few blocks over to the Shimer’s house and played on their sledding hill.  It was steep and those big black inner tubes worked really good!  Little circle plastic sleds worked good too.  Even flattened cardboard boxes worked good on that hill.  Sometimes when there was a deep snow we would stand on our front steps and fall backwards into the big drifts.  And snow angels.  We are all really good at making snow angels.

One of my favorite traditions ever is that on Christmas Eve – no matter where we are, we all do snow angels at 10 p.m. and think about each other.  I’m not sure how it started (Can you help me out Ruth?).  I sure love it though.  Some years it’s on dirt or carpet, and one year for one sister it was in a hospital bed.  I’m thankful for the time to think about each of my family and wish them a Merry Christmas under the stars.

I’m not in this photo either.  This one is of my younger siblings.  Forts like this were common in our yard during the winter.  What I absolutely love about this photo is the child-high fort and not much snow in the rest of the yard.  Every inch of snow was used.  That or maybe it was built and then the sun melted most of the rest, but the fort was left standing.  Not sure, but I like my first thought better.  😉

p.s.  I cannot tell you how much this image of how to play Duck, Duck, Goose makes me smile:

{also from Wikipedia}   Love it.  Especially when the colors change.  Another favorite game from growing up.

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  1. I love your flashback fridays. I love the snow angel idea. I also think the duck-duck-goose demo is awesome. I should start having flashbacks as well. It’s getting harder and harder to remember things. In fact, my sister and I were just thinking about how we can’t remember and our mom can’t remember and the only person who can remember is our dad and he never talks. Well, almost never. Going to have to do something about that I think.

  2. It would fit perfectly with your Sunday Stories – I love that feature! 🙂

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