Glad vs. Mad – a lesson to remember


A list… what do you think all these words are about?


The answer? Trials. The hard times. The slaps and the crazies and the wearing out the knees of your pants in prayer hard times.

The lesson today was on choosing to find joy and happiness throughout your trials and your life.

D&C 122:7-8 – “…that all these things shall give thee experience, and shall be for thy good. The Son of Man hath descended below them all. Art thou greater than he?”

Shelly taught the principle so well and discussed Pollyanna’s take… find the good in the hard. These experiences are for us and our growth.

In Sacrament Meeting today one of the bishopric talked about how taking care of a new baby can be challenging. It is a trial. But it is so worth it and we know that. So we’re okay with the sleepless nights and the diapers and the demands. We know it is worth it. Then he asked a question I’ve been thinking about all day – What if we did the same thing with the other trials in our life? What if we figuratively snuggled them up and rocked them? – Knowing they would be for our good.

Same concept – worded differently.


And a mommy tip. If you have a sleepy little one at church that is just. not. wanting. to. crash. Use the camera on your phone like a mirror – so much fun to watch themselves in motion. And/or snap a quick photo. Your little one will also be entertained to see a current up-to-the-minute photo of themselves on the phone if they are anything like my little one. 😉

And there you have it – joy in even the little trials.

Toddler Recipes: Chicken! Patty!



Creation brought to you by Caleb – at our family reunion last summer.

{Adorable recipe card – soon to be used for waaay more than my toddler post 😉 – is available at Purdue Avenue.  And comes in four different color stories.  Beauty.  Thanks Mandi!}


Chicken patties have a funny story in our family.  Part of the funniness is that most of us were not there. My mom, dad and little sis Anna were planning menus.  This was when Anna was the only one left at home.  My mom decided they should have menus they all three liked – seeing as there were so few to please.  They sat around discussing options when Mom had a flash of brillance.  Something she hadn’t thought of for a long time.  She slapped her hands down on the table and said Chicken! Patties!! The shock of it all caused Dad and Anna to erupt in giggles and it’s been a favorite family story ever since.

Truth or Dare Brownies… Happy Love Day all!


{Devoted Full Collection by Carta Bella, font: Traveling typewriter}

That’s right – a classic game made anew with the incentive of brownies.

Truth or Dare – what will it be?

Truths such as “You are an amazing individual with high quality muscles.” or “Laughing is good for you. So is water.” ?

Those are fun. But if you choose dare – those come with 2 brownies. 😉 And you HAVE to do the dare right away. Things like “Perform your best cheer – with a double high kick.” and “Act out your favorite scene from a movie. Don’t stop until someone guesses the show.”

So – what will it be? Either way you’re rewarded.



This was Jim Bob’s reward after Stake Conference today.  He’s in charge of the online streaming to four church buildings.  Everything went smoothly and he definitely deserved a large meal and a large nap.


And this was my reward for helping all the little ones get dressed and to the church by myself.  Next time I may remember to take a photo before digging in to the pie… may.  Raspberry and blueberry both…  yum.

Everyday Sparkle

Yesterday was a sparkly tights kind of day.


It may have also been a Birthday Cake Oreo kind of day…


Love those sprinkles!

Living the dream one day at a time.



Planning… and wishing… and hoping… and dreaming.  One book for each month this year.


Brown paper covers sewn with regular ol’ typing paper on the inside.  And a smattering of embellishments…


Smencils not required, but oh-so-fun.  {And they have Smalentines.  In mint chocolate chip, ch-ch-cherry, be mine, sweetheart and strawberry cream.  I swoon.}

Exhibit A


Part of our Thanksgiving feast…

Evidence of a blessed life cards ready to be filled out – thanks to Nisa for the fun-loving designs that only took slight adapting.

I just left a basket of cards nearby (journaling cards on one side and notes/frames on the other). Any family that wanted to fill one out could write/draw pictures and then clip it on the ring.

Made a file folder cover with my little guy and evidence all over his sweet mug.  And just like that… this little album is ready to be loved and enjoyed often. One fun way to count those blessings. 🙂

{credits:  Splendid Fiins:  Evidence-notes and framesEvidence-journaling cards, also: file folder, tag, clip ring, walnut ink, font: Artistamp Medium and my handwriting}

This little book is from last Thanksgiving.  I realized I never shared it here… it was sure fun to take a peek at again this year.  Handwriting and artistic skills have advanced a little, but it’s wonderful to see that many of our blessings counted are the exact same.

New and improved…

Katey’s latest picture:  Rainbow Bacon.

It “tastes like blueberry strawberry tangerine”.

Katey also said it is yummy with ice cream.

“You just put a scoop right on top!”  (Fun to watch her so animated about her drawing!)

That’s some mighty sophisticated bacon right there.

Caption this…

There are times I wish I knew what Meri would say if she could talk…

{July 2012}

What she might be thinking…

{May 2012}

I do know what I was saying in the last photo.  Yuck!  But that’s just one of the risks you take with photography:

Scary Paper

Meet Googley-Eye.

He’s a crocodile.  That equals scary.  Hence the scary face.

Googley-Eye has a huge jaw.



With equally expressive eyebrows from Drewby.

Googley-Eye was created and named by Andrew.  He wishes we had a googley eye big enough to put right over that eye socket there.  He thinks that would be perfect.

I think Googley-Eye is pretty adorable scary as is.

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