Last night before Brendan went to bed he asked what our family rules are. He is such a sweetheart. We told him we have two basic rules – 1. work hard 2. be nice. We found these from an inner city school in New York and love them. It pretty much covers everything. He nodded and then headed off. Jim Bob and I looked at each other and knew we would not have any troubles from him. (Not that we were planning on any…)
This morning our big boys set Brendan up with his very own chore chart. That way he can earn stars and rewards. When I let Brendan know he would have a chore while he was here he said “Great!” He will be sweeping the dining room and kitchen floors. I told him he is welcome to do them once a day – or after every meal – or however he’d like to do it. A little bit later he came and asked if he could please sweep morning and night. Works good. (See? No worries.)
After breakfast, scripture study and chores the boys have been together almost all of today. This morning they watched turkey vultures (first thought to be eagles) in our big willow tree from the backyard treehouse. A few video games, lots of planning and talking, some legos and cards… just time together.
This evening we went to Ben & Holly’s place for a Family BBQ. We ate delicious food, visited and played. Ben got a four wheeler not too long ago – so short, low-speed rides were in order. Multiple short, up the street and back, low-speed rides enjoyed by many.
Some of the boys were chillin’ on the trampoline eating. I asked them to make a happy face while I shot through the net enclosure. Here’s what I got:
Menus today:
Breakfast: Scrambly Eggs, Bacon and Canteloupe
Lunch: Nachos and Blackberry Lemonade
Dinner: Family BBQ – avocados on burgers, potato salad, green salad, chips, watermelon
Not bad for a first day. 😉 Brendan helped crack the eggs for breakfast. He politely asked if it would be okay to try cracking eggs against each other – with finesse I believe he called it. We were making plenty of eggs so why not?
What a crack-up. 😉
Tomorrow night is try-outs. Jim Bob let Brendan in on little details tonight – like how to act out parts big – most of the audience is quite a ways away. They also talked about the parts he will be trying out for and some experiences Jim Bob has had when trying out. More on that tomorrow.
Sweet dreams.

I’m going to live vicariously through you and your family (and Brendan) during pageant. 🙂
That menu is fantastic, by the way. I might copy you on the burger idea.
Please do! 🙂 If you have any questions/thoughts/wonderments about it all – let me know and I’ll answer. 🙂
Erin & Tyson made the burgers – and they were really, really good. Avocado on anything. They were seasoned really good too. Pinterest for the win!
Fun and tasty! Thanks for the update. Funny picture. : )
You are welcome. 🙂