Joshua: What I love about you is that you gave birth to all of us kids. Except for daddy.
Autumn: I like you because you take care of the house and cook our food.
Andrew: I love you because you always take care of Meri Jane.
Jacob: I love you because of everything you do for us.
Katey: I love you because you read me stories. And we walk on the road around the block.
Caleb: I not know. I love you, uh… yes, good!
Daddy: Let me count the ways… shhh, everyone.
Caleb: Because I love Dad. I love you.
Daddy: This is going to be epic. “stop doing that Caleb – you’re going to get hurt.” This is a one-at-a-time kind of thing. Are you typing everything I say?? Good thing I’m an administrator on this blog – I can zappity zap anything I want.
Recorded Book: I love you more than words could ever say.
Daddy: Becky, I love you more than words could every say. Kids, quick, turn the page. *wink*
Okay, I like you because whenever I’m feeling rough you pick up the slack.
Joshua: You slap Daddy?
Daddy: No, slack… I said slack.
You somehow have super-human get up and go when I’m not feeling good. I love that you’re super compassionate when one of the children is feeling rough. This is not coming out in a very epic way, but I feel epic love for you in my heart.
That’s just one way… and we’ll continue this conversation after everyone is in bed. *’nother wink*
{waiting for the zappity zap…}

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