Dear you,
Here are four love stories from the files (photos from a few years back) and one recent one.
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Evidence of a perfect day.
Fishing lessons from daddy. Nachos on the shore. Mini-adventures for all – exploring and discovering. Snuggles and photography for mama. The perfect day? For us – yes! Case closed.
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Drewby was so concerned when he would wake up and his favorite car was on the floor. He knew he had gone to sleep holding it! Here’s his solution – a little kite string and a lot of winding – silly guy. We did not let him sleep like this – just took a whole bunch of photos and then carefully unwound.
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Decorated bag, cute love notes, and a “sugary snack”. Lunch essentials. 🙂
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Perfect for me. My sweet 3-year-old LOVES her baby sister. I hear her whispering and talking to her all the time. This phrase is one of my favorites – “You are the perfect sister for me.” *sigh* Recording this moment so she can remember what it’s all about.
{credits: here}
“Daddy, graham crackers and a book… simple joys are truly the best.” Okay – that’s what I wished I put on there – left off the truly part, but we can pretend. 🙂 Also lovin’ on my hunny – who later told me that he tried to angle the Baby Haiku book just right while I was snapping photos – he wanted that light on her face. love.
Did you find a heart on each layout? The lunch one is a teeny bit tricky. <3
Hope your day is a perfectly snuggly one.
Much love, Becky

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