Meri Jane

America Jane Pipes
born the 18th of January at 6:10 pm
8 lb.  19 3/4 inches long
red hair, blue eyes
Such a sweetheart!  🙂

photos captured by Jim Bob, how I love that man.

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  1. She’s gorgeous! 🙂 which is kind of a big deal with newborns.

  2. She is beautiful. Congratulations. Love the name. I sure hope you are all doing well.

  3. Yay!

    I feel like such a bad friend… I promise I haven’t forgotten you. We’ve been sick. Congratulations! I’m working on something and was going to surprise you, but now I’m not sure if you get your mail delivered to your house or to a Post Office? I’m gonna need a mailing address… 🙂

  4. She sure is a sweetheart – just like her Mama!

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