a fun event took place. Our ward’s second annual chili cook-off occurred on October 21. Thrilled that it happened for a second year – with bishoprics and Relief Society presidencies both having changed this last year. Our bishop and counselors this time were also good sports and along with their wives gave beautiful performances as the “Squeeky Cheeks”. A fine musical group with colorful bow-ties that played rousing renditions of ol’ time favorite songs – with their instruments of choice…balloons. Sometimes the silly fun that causes tears to run down your face can be so bonding and downright enjoyable.
We once again tied two quilts and had a wonderful evening.
I decided to enter a new kind of chili (because I was feeling dangerous, spontaneous and decided – what’s to lose? – except the candy bar prize I suppose. Luckily it paid off. 😉 ). Introducing:
Buffalo Chicken Chili
I heard about Rachael Ray’s recipe and checked it out. I’m sure it’s yummy, but I didn’t have some of the ingredients and I wasn’t too sure about lots of celery in a chili – although I do love bleu cheese. And no beans? I just couldn’t do it. So instead I took my basic recipe:
Put four cups of beans in crock-pot. Fill water to within an inch of the top of crock-pot. Add palm-ful of salt, 3 oz. chili powder, 2 cloves of garlic, 3 liberal shakes Chicago Steak Seasoning by Weber, small handful dried onions and a dash of crushed red pepper. Cook for 6-7 hours. Throw in 1/4 lb. browned ground beef and tomatoes or salsa.
…And then substituted using 3 kinds of beans (white, pinto and red kidney) instead of just pinto as usual. I then added a whole bunch of hot sauce, chicken chunks, and a little more hot sauce.
Ready for my award? (we won’t talk about the fact that about half the pots of chili there win prizes. 😉 )
That’s right! Thankfully I didn’t eat but a small nibble of my chili that night – there were too many other yummy ones to taste! Not sure I would have wanted that result. 🙂
And the inside of the prize:
Maybe I’ll have to try a dessert chili next year…

Congrats on your award! And dessert chili? Interesting…
I’ve heard of making brownies with black beans. Is that close enough?
I’ve tried those kind of brownies – I was not a big fan. However, I wonder if I’d like them better if I didn’t know the beans were in there… I was thinking maybe white beans, apples and cinnamon… or maybe a chocolate-y caramel something… or just a pot full of jellybeans?? Hmmm, I’ll have to experiment before next year. 😉
Yum! <— The chili and the award.
Dessert chili would be fantastic: a fruit something or maybe some kind of chocolate bread pudding thing? Now I'm interested in experimenting.
mmmm… it all sounds good! Let me know how the experiments go. 🙂
Hey there! I’ve completely checked out, but I’m hoping to check back in soon… When is that big day of yours? Soon I think, right? Hope all goes well!
You are good girl! 🙂 Our due date was Sunday and we had our little angel last night at 6:10 pm. 🙂 Her name is America Jane – we’ll most likely call her Meri or Meri Jane. She has a little bit of red hair and blue, blue eyes. 8 lb. even, 19 3/4 inches long. A champion eater and snuggly little sweetheart! Life is sooooo good. Photos to come soon… 🙂