Merry Christmas Blessings

Our family’s Christmas card this year:

Sorry it took a little while to get it over here.  Hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas this year and are still celebrating in the afterglow.  🙂

Much love from us!

{credits here}

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  1. So cute. I love your card. some day I hope to do the silhouette thing but just hasn’t happened yet. Still love it.

    • Thanks Becky! I have always loved silhouettes too. We took pictures in front of a snowy window and then turned the photos to black and white in photoshop – much easier than the projector/tracing days when I first tried it. It was easier, but still a little more time consuming than I thought it would be. I may just have to use them for Valentine’s Day too to get more milage. 🙂

  2. I love the idea for your holiday card! 🙂 Adorable. Hope you guys had a great Christmas!

    • We had a wondrous Christmas – thanks Anna! I’m glad you like the card. 🙂 We adore your card here at our house – it’s still in a place of honor on our tree – a new tradition, started partly by the fact that the ornaments kept disappearing and our tree looked bare. Love all the photos! Your Christmas sounded delightful – thanks for sharing on your blog. Your wrapping was phenomenal and the close-up of the dinosaur is my personal fav. Excited to see more photos with your lens. 🙂 Love you!

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