Katey: I like when Andrew says “good-bye” to me when he goes to work. He was pretending and I was pretending to make lunch for him. I like when he plays with me.
Autumn: I like when Andrew is willing to help – when he comes along with me to sell cookies and cookie dough (school fundraiser time). {They are a very cute sales couple.}
Joshua: I like that whenever Nathan comes over, the three of us always want to play pirates. Magician pirates, ghost pirates, skeleton pirates, any kind of pirates… even spy pirates.
Jacob: Andrew likes pretend gun fights. Nobody gets hit because we have bad aims. Andrew used to always call bananas, banana boomers. I’m glad that he is always willing to play if I need to play with someone.
Mommy: Drewby-do is an excellent reader. His comprehension is amazing too. When we do reading lessons he can tell me all about the story before I even start asking the questions. He also rocks the dishes. Daddy: I love how throughly entertaining Andrew is – all the things he says and does and the funny faces he makes. His quips and quick wit.
Andrew: I love how fast I run. (He says as he demonstrates and then proceeds to suck on his big toe – ??)
We love our multi-talented, fun-lovin’ boy – and my best twitter material at the moment. 😉

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