C that rhymes with T and that stands for…

Trouble.  Our little man, with trouble written all over his face:

I guess not all over… just half of a mischievous mustache.

Yes, I’m talking about you…

(and *bam* here’s where I get the giggles and he knows that he has yet again had another successful adventure with markers…)

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  1. What a cute little guy!!

  2. …because it is so darned cute! My hubs is constantly telling me that if I insist on laughing at the naughty things they do how are they supposed to learn that it really is naughty. Sheesh. Talk about mixed messages. 🙂

    • I know!! My constant battle too. The camera is another give-a-way – Mom must not be tooooooooo mad, right??

  3. That was probably the only time he got near a mustache…. And I’m jut typing randomly now.

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