I am loving looking through all the photos from our trip. We used goblets for fry sauce, whipped cream, and chocolate milk, but not orange juice. We ran around barefoot in the sand dunes at Snow Canyon and *almost* attempted a hike up an extinct volcano. The trail was a little too snowy and muddy. We saw pioneer names written with axel grease on the wall of the canyon. I think from multiple generations as they had the same last name. There was also a website written in smaller lettering if you looked close – it was dated later than the rest. 😉 I might be posting from this trip for a while – here and there.
One wonderful memory from our trip was such a sweet, thoughtful thing. Jim Bob told me there would be a fun surprise, but did not give any hints beyond that. One evening he told me I had to go away for about a half hour. When I came back he had the condo set up like a spa. He treated me to a spa-inspired massage with a warm fire and the sound of waves in the background. It was the epitome of relaxation and indeed a sweet thing.

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