We took a trip this summer. It was wondrous. We visited family, ate lots of yummy food, played hard, slept on the trampoline, celebrated a birthday, helped a brother and sister move, set up or went to a lego exhibit, visited a wildlife refuge, went to a 3D movie (How to Train Your Dragon), played with a couple sets of grandparents and just had a grand time.
We don’t usually eat out much, but this trip was a little different. We ate at Jack-in-the-Box on the way up (breakfast at dawn), once at Sonic while we were there (with those yummy little ices on a hot, hot day), and at Wendy’s on the drive home. I didn’t think anything of it until a few days later when Andrew was playing with some different cousins. He was thirsty and nonchalantly placed an order:
“Mom, I want to order two milkshake drinks of water. A milkshake normal number 1”
One for him and one for his sweet cousin. They then proceeded to play “cherry”, which is known in some worlds as cheers.
His cousins taught him and I think it’s downright adorable.

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