Quick side note: Tonight (5 January 2009)’s talent was preformed by Joshua – a whole series of somersaults across the living room. So cute. Now, on to our spotlight:
Katelyn Belle is our little sweetheart. Daddy’s favorite thing about her is her little schmooshy dimple that appears in her left cheek when she gets a really big smile. Katey gives sweet kisses and loves to make kissy sounds – often.
Katey’s other talents include tongue clicks and rolling over from her back to her belly. She is especially quick at this when she is laid down for a nap and wasn’t quite planning on that yet. At those times she is also very good with the pouty lip and big doe eyes.
Katey loves green beans, sweet potatoes and bananas (most of the time). She does not care for applesauce or sugar-free strawberry jam. She has fun little grabby hands and reaches for everything – crackers, spoons that are feeding her, magazine and newspaper “crinkly” paper and candy canes being dangled by her 2-year-old brother.
Katey is a very good-natured little girly. We jokingly called her the Primary mascot when I was in there often and all the girls – aged 8-11 – could not hold her enough. We ended up taking turns and even then there wasn’t enough of our chubby-cheeked angel to go around.
The girls still line up after church to love on her.
We all adore our sweet little Katey Belle.

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