I tucked Drewby into bed this evening (Jan.8). We always tell secrets at bedtime (thanks to my incredibly wonderful sister Ruth). Once when we were visiting “Hailey-Bailey’s Ruth”, we saw (not heard) her tell all her kiddos secrets as part of the bedtime-tucking-in routine. She didn’t just tell her kids secrets though, she included ALL the cousins – oh, happiness. So sweet – that was a few years ago. This last summer she told them again, and it hit me that I could adopt that tradition. (I know – took me a little while ;)) The only two requirements for a “secret” are that it must be whispered into an ear and it must start with “I love you more than…..”. The rest is up to you. I have been told that I am loved more than all the planets & stars in the galaxy, more than purple popsicles, pink rainbows and other as equally delicious phrases.
Tonight Drewby told me that he loved me more than “chocolate on his tongue“.
Or so I thought. When I said, “chocolate on your tongue??” with a hint of wonder, he said “NO! hee hee hee hee – chocolate in my dump truck!!” He loves his dump truck, so it’s quite the happy secret.
Especially if he meant THIS dump truck.

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