Jim Bob started a fun tradition tonight for part of family night. Spotlighting one of our youngsters. They always love being the center of attention. Jacob had a fun talent tonight – showing off his looooong legs as he ran through the living room and kitchen. silly fun kid. So, Jacob finished his talent and Daddy up and says it’s time to focus on Andrew, aka Drewby. He is now 2 1/2 years old. Drewby just grinned so big and let all the funny, good, charming, quirky things be said. The list?
* He loves directing music. He does it during church, when we sing as a family, during movies and oh, anytime. He has a “leading-singing” stick (that was commandeered from the back of a kite) that he carries with him everywhere – even to bed. SO sweet.
*He loves music videos. Daddy wasn’t sure if his favorite was the “Ooh Ooh song” (Sugarland), “Gone, Gone, Gone” (Allison Krauss and Robert Plant), or “Crush” (David Archuleta). Andrew piped right up with “Gone, Gone, Gone“. So, that’s his favorite for now. He loves jamming to that one. It is so catchy! And the video has bubbles, disco balls and tinsel. 🙂
Andrew also really thinks it’s cool that there is a piano by the water in the “Crush” song. so cute.
* Drewby is a GOOD sharer. He even offers sucks of his suckers to his siblings … and parents. But only if they offer in return. He loves his cowboy boots (no photo yet – for shame!) and every time we put them on he says “Erin loves these”. Erin is his western-swinging, hay-bucking beautiful aunt. Andrew also loves his adorable motorcycle jacket from his aunty Ruth. He calls her Ruth-a.
*Andrew is fascinated by computers. He even loves the one that has been broken for 10 months and is just a shell of a thing. He also carries treasures around with him all day. Tools, trains, and a camel I guess where his buds this time. He is a happy-go-lucky, wonderful, essential puzzle piece in our family. His hair is always messy – not to mention his face, but he sure is cute! We LOVE our sweetheart Drewby.

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