Why I Scrap…

This contest deserves a blog entry of it’s own. 🙂

Scrap Artist had a contest to describe why you scrap. The prize for the contest is a free custom kit made by two of the designers at Scrap Artist, Michelle Coleman and Dianne Rigdon.

Here’s the gorgeous ad header for the contest:

Why I scrap

For the contest, we were asked to include images, color ideas and/or journaling on why we scrap. There were 80 entries and they were so fun to read through and see all the reasons that people participate in this wonderful artform.

Here’s the entry I posted:

Why I Scrap contest entry

fonts:Black Jack and SA Cinta, filter on photos: brownie by Virtual Photographer, color swatch and photos by me

I took these photos of Joshua within a minute’s time. He was just being so silly and hamming it up for the camera.

My journaling for the entry reads:
“I scrap to become more like my children.

My eye for detail and wonder of life (two of the qualitites my children possess) have grown since I began scrapbooking. I not only want to preserve my memories, I want to make my memories worth preserving.

My children teach me many lessons that I also see reflected in my scrapping. To use a few well-known scrapper’s mottos, I am able to see “the bigger picture” and “enjoy the process”. Now if only that undo button worked with parenting. 🙂

My children and scrapping remind me of the importance of quality play time. I also play dress-up on my pages and my imagination is free to wander.

Because of the digital scrapbooking community, I believe in friends that you cannot see.

I try to reflect my children’s expressive nature in my layouts, and it is also an outlet for me to express myself.

Scrapping helps keep me young and child-like. I am nowhere near grown up.”

Now, everyone that entered receives the kit, so I felt I had nothing to lose. I love Michelle and Dianne’s work. I have been a big fan of them and the Scrap Artist website for over a year now! However, I did not in a million years guess that I would be the grand prize winner! wahoo!

I received an email late Friday night from Michelle and I had a hard time going to sleep that night I was so thrilled. 🙂 I also received a congratulatory email from Dianne on Saturday. I am so excited to work with these ladies.

Check out Michelle’s blog entry about it. There she says “I loved the adorable, expressive photos of her son Joshua and her included color swatch 😉 Becky has won a $20 GC to the ScrapArtist Shoppe as well as a custom kit created specially for her and Joshua, she will be given access to a private gallery where she will be able to watch her developing kit and will have input on the final product. I imagine her photos will inspire a fabulous, playful little boy kit!”

In all seriousity – I am thrilled and stoked and a tad excited. This is so cool. 😀

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  1. Congrats on winning the contest! I loved your photos of Joshua and the colors are fab. Joshua’s Day in the Sun kit is beautiful. Congratulations!

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