I have grand visions of how my blog should look. I want it to be fun and inspiring, at least to me. 🙂 But if I put off posting until it is beautiful, it might not happen anytime soon. The main reason I want to blog is to journal about my family and me. Photos are good – they help tell the story of us. And I love photos! So I begin…
My blog name comes from an event I witnessed years ago. I was a college student on the verge of finals and just knew my life was challenging. I went to visit a basement music store to take my mind off things. As I walked up the stairs coming out of the store, I saw that it had been raining and muddy puddles were everywhere. A young pig-tailed girl in front of me became the victim of one of those puddles. I started walking quickly, so that I could help her up and maybe dry a tear or two. Instead, I saw her hop up, giggle and then begin to splash joyfully. The view of my current life changed. I might have challenges and difficult things to face, but by golly, I could still find joy. Joy in the trials even. My “Pollyanna” moment has been a tremendous blessing for me. I proudly proclaim that I am a “Puddle Jumper”. It doesn’t hurt that I have always had a child-like view and personality. 🙂
One thing that encouraged me to post is the challenge going on at Rhonna’s blog. The challenge is all about making or breaking a habit in 21 days. I have wanted to start a blog for so long. I certainly read enough of them. I need to take the time to tell my story as well. So, even if it is a short entry, I will blog for the next 21 days. It might be a little more sporadic after that. But I will be consistant for the next three weeks – :). Each week there will be a new word for us to ponder and find quotes about, perhaps create an art journal page or scrapbook layout with. The word for this first week is Habit. I found two wonderful quotes so far:
“Habit is habit, and not to be flung out of the window by any man, but coaxed downstairs a step at a time.” – Mark Twain
That one made me laugh. The next quote makes me want to focus on creating good habits.
“Our character is basically a composite of our habits. Because they are consistent, often unconcious patterns, they constantly, daily, express our character…” – Steven R. Covey
I will leave with a photo that I hope becomes a habit very, very soon – Backyard Picnics. 🙂 lol.
Brush Stroke on photo by Michelle Coleman. Fonts: SA Cinta and Artistamp Medium

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