Call me Mrs. Mysterious . . .

In Primary today the chorister had “mystery mom” visitors for Mother’s Day.  The mystery moms took turns hiding behind a big cloud sheet while wonderful and amazing things were said about us.  Written, . . .  um, . . . by us.  😉  The chorister asked us ahead of time to write down a lesson we learned from our mothers, reasons we love being a mom, things we often say as mothers and some fun details about us.  Then the children got to guess who was behind the sheet.  Then we were given two beautiful roses and got to sit at the front of the room as the children sang to us some songs they were working on.  Beauty!

My list was as follows:

Lesson from my mother:  Greet each day with a smile.  You are as happy as you choose to be.  It’s a lesson she learned from her grandma (Grandma Alder).  Another lesson from Grandma Alder is to always have ice cream and cones on hand.  😉  I’m so thankful both lessons have been passed down.

Some favorite foods:  apples, strawberries, salsa, popcorn, chocolate chip cookies

Favorite music:  big band jazz

Reasons I love being a mom:  Snuggling babies, rock-a-byes and lullabies, reading lots of books with lots of little ones on my lap, running around and acting silly at playgrounds, secrets at bedtime – “I love you more than . . . ”

Things I say as a mom:  Have you washed your hands?  😉  & I love you!  🙂

It was in Jr. Primary so Joshua, Autumn and Andrew were all in there.  I think they had an idea, but when it got to the secret part they knew for sure!   I’m okay with that being the defining part of my mothering.  🙂  They all ran up and hugged me.  And then again after the first song,  . . . and then again right before I left.  What a fun Mother’s Day activity.

And this one is for Katey Belle because she found it so hilarious.  I can’t wait for her to look through my blog and start giggling again.  🙂

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