Dad: Tonight we honor Joshua.
Andrew: For being Joshua.
Josh: Give me highly expensive gifts!
Jacob: How about a post on Mom’s blog? That’s highly expensive in love.
Katey: We’re just talking about Josh?
Josh: Just me!
Meri: You have no fuzzies in your toes Mom!
Andrew: I like that Josh likes to play on my Minecraft world. It’s fun to play with other people.
Dad: Cooperative play is always more fun.
Katey: Is it my turn?
Meri: Round and around with peoples.
Katey: I like to play with Josh and he is very kind! Can you add to mine that he’s funny??
Caleb: I like to do dishes with Josh. We did them today.
Meri: I love about Josh that he makes me food. Sandwiches and only water. And he has a cool water bottle.
Hyrum would probably say: abahah buhah josh (Hyrum’s sleeping at the moment. He’s prepping for his third time sleeping through the night – in a row, ah yeah!)
Dad: One of the things I love about Josh is that he is very willing to do things with anybody at any age. At scout camp he was out canoeing with boys older than him and boys younger than him. It didn’t matter and he was friendly with everybody. He shared his treats with everyone too.
Mom: Josh is such a kind soul. He’s a big helper with his baby brother and has a funny, dry sense of humor. His favorite photo he took at scout camp is a close-up of hamburgers. (My boy!) It’s a pretty sweet shot. Love that he takes his talents and develops them – from playing the trombone to perfecting his pancake flipping skills.
Jacob: I love how that no matter what Josh does, he does it enthusiastically. Whether he’s playing, imagining, going to scout camp, biking… it’s all done with energy.
Autumn: Josh is a great sharer.
Josh: I’m innocent!!!
Drewby: There was glitter everywhere.

Josh right after Stacy, our photographer, told us she had captured the family photo, the one – the “money shot”.
Photos by Stacy Rose Photography

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