It’s Jacob’s birthday and time for his spotlight!! Perfect.
Grandma (visiting): Jacob is very kind when we play chess. He is very kind when he beats me in chess.
Daddy: One thing that I love about Jacob is that when I tease him he is starting to catch on. He is maturing enough to appreciate my amazing humor. Oh wait, this is Jacob’s spotlight.
Josh: I love Jacob’s protective nature. Whether he is protecting us when babysitting or keeping his Doritos safe.
Caleb: Jacob loves me.
Daddy: How do you know?
Caleb: *shrug* He loves.
Autumn: I have one word to say: Smart!
Jacob: Okay, I can live with that.
Caleb: Jacob, you are such a good boy!
Katey Belle: *whispering into Daddy’s ear* I like Jacob because he plays games with me.
Andrew: I love Jacob because of his big smile.
Jacob: Personally, I prefer small grin.
Mommy: Jacob is constantly asking me how I’m doing. He offers to help – with babysitting so I can shower or read. He also is more than willing to help with chores around the house and never complains.
Meri: Candy.
Grandma: Does Jacob share candy with you?
Meri: Yeah.
Jacob is a scholar and a gentleman. He is such a knowledgable young man that is kind to everyone. We love his quick mind, ready to please manner, happy bursts of laughter and that he was brave enough to ask for a later bedtime on his birthday with an “official” document. Still in talks – we’ll see how it plays out. 😉
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