Andrew: I love grandma because she lets us come over to her house every Sunday.
Josh: I love it when grandma lets us come over to her house when mom and dad go on a trip or have a baby.
Autumn: I like grandma because she likes to bring dinners to us and she’s really super-upper-duper nice.
Jacob: I love grandma because of all the many times she has helped, like babysitting.
Caleb: I like to say prayer with grandma.
Katelyn: Well, I love her because we have lunch at her house.
Becky: I love that grandma helps teach our kids, especially right after church when they are telling her about all their primary lessons and she simply bears testimony and gives them lots of attention. She helps teach them… and us!
Jim Bob: I love my mom because she has buckets of love for all of us, not just a little for each one.
Obviously – we’re throughly spoiled by Grandma and thankful she lives nearby. You never know what life might bring – so she says she wants to take advantage now. We’re grateful. We also love that she came to visit for Family Home Evening and was our guest spotlight. It was a few weeks ago and I remembered this draft today. Why? Because our home is quiet – it’s Sunday afternoon and the little ones are at Grandma’s. 😉
Here she is – with her daughter Mary Elizabeth (Liz to most 🙂 ) and Meri. Three Mary (Meri’s) all together… love.
p.s. She really is super-uper-duper nice. 🙂

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