Dear Birthday Boy,
I know all you wanted for your birthday was hugs, kisses and a bike ride with me. Although those are good and you’ll definitely get them, I had additional plans. I had a feeling your big birthday present wouldn’t make it in time for the big day – today! I was right. In anticipation of that, I decided to get an additional happiness with two day shipping. That was last Thursday. I received an email letting me know your present would not arrive until tomorrow. 🙁 So today you’re getting a big fat I.O.U.. Then I got to thinking about all the things I owe you for already. There’s a list. I would suggest getting a sideline camera to capture these moments.
I owe you:
* For helping around the house. You juggle baby dancing, changing a dirty diaper and cleaning the toilet while in the same hour talking to clients and fixing text on a webpage. And that was just this morning.
And look at you – super fuzzy hero cape. I like.
* For keeping a varied soundtrack playing in our home. A little U2, a little Kenny, a little MoTab. I mention liking an artist (like Andy Grammer) and next thing I know “Keep Your Head Up” is playing for a lunch date and days later I hear this one playing while you’re working:
{psst… It’s fine by me if we always ride bikes together and share fruit juice over crushed ice late at night. Forever.}
* For reading my blog. And sometimes even commenting. You keep up on what I enjoy and encourage my craziness. Whether it’s trying to stuff as much photography knowledge in my head as possible to diligently reading the parenting class manual for church. I love you for loving me so completely.
* For tolerating the camera going everywhere. And for planning fun dates with the Elder’s Quorum – where you rock the bowling and I photograph us in color blocked shoes.
* For coaxing the sweetest smiles from our little ones when I’m taking photos.
{behind the scenes}
You are so patient… and look at these results.
Looks like the finger wrapping works both ways. 😉
* For letting me off easy on birthday meals & treats. Honestly, I’m not buying the reason that you picked leftover biscuits and fresh pineapple for breakfast is because it is a “favorite”. And while you love lasagna, I have got to think that part of the reason you picked it is that there is one in the fridge ready to bake. Now shaved ice for dessert. That one, while easy, might be legit.
So here’s to celebrating your birthday all week long as the presents roll in. Starting with the sucker I got at the bank today.
After all, I owe you.

That man of your is pretty awesome! (and so are you!) Happy Birthday JimBob!
Thanks Ruth. 🙂
oh my goodness. 🙂 You two make a perfect couple. ha, I suspect you’re right about the leftover biscuits.
Happy Birthday to Jim Bob!
Thanks Anna! 🙂
Awwww… cute! I think that you and Jim Bob are the best. I hope that Brandon and I will be that cute when Ariadne is here. 🙂
You are always cute! Your family will be extra cute with a sweet baby girl. 🙂 We’re excited to meet her. Love you Christina!
Wow! I wish I could marry him!! Oh wait, he’s my son. Guess that won’t work. I love you guys and am SO happy you have each other!! Happy birthday and many happy returns of the day! Sure love you!!!!!
Ha! Thanks Mom – thank you for raising such a fine man – I could never thank you enough!
This is so cute Becky. I especially love the baby pictures!
Thanks Sarah! Recognize that dress? We LOVE it! Thank you again. 🙂