Just a quick post to let you know there is a deal right now for Jessica Sprague’s beginning classes. I *adore* her teaching style and have learned so much from her classes. One of my favorite things are the little shortcuts she mentions off hand that save me time. I also love her humor and years of knowledge she freely shares. http://www.groupon.com/deals/jessica-sprague-com-fresno
Here are the two classes you can take with the groupon (there are plenty others on her site if you’re looking for more advanced or different type of class):
Up & Running With Photoshop – Beginning Digital Scrapbooking
If you click on the links – or photos – above it will take you to the class description. I love that the classes are self-paced and never expire – the videos can be viewed forever. They are always sitting there waiting for you to watch and review.
With the groupon (which can be captured in the next couple days), the classes are $20 each (usually $49) or both for $35. Amazingly good deal. The classes can also be given as gifts. Enjoy!

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