Fill in the blank…

Lauri, one of my favorite ladies in the whole world – a beautiful mixture of elegance and spunk -, taught the lesson in Relief Society last month.  She taught from President Uchtdorf’s talk, “Your Potential, Your Privilege”.  It was wonderful to discuss a talk from the Priesthood session and apply it to our lives as women.

I adore this quote:  “As you read the scriptures and listen to the words of the prophets with all your heart and mind, the Lord will tell you how to live up to your priesthood privileges. Don’t let a day go by without doing something to act on the promptings of the Spirit.”

Personal revelation is a blessing we can all seek.  Lauri asked us to each finish this thought:

“If you want a spiritual experience  _______________________________ .”

We then shared ideas and I loved the variety!  Here are quite a few:

* go to the temple

* pray

* go for a long run

* read and study the scriptures early in the morning

* really listen to your children

* do something hard

* ask for a Priesthood blessing

* bear testimony

* act on a prompting

* listen to beautiful music

* stop being busy – just stop…and listen

* read your Patriarchal blessing

* do Family History

* ponder

* acknowledge the goodness of our Heavenly Father

* pray after reading scriptures for truth

* express gratitude in prayer

* give service – especially to the handicapped

* notice beauty and be uplifted

* create something beautiful

* be still

* have more faith and less fear

* remember why challenges are there

* spend time with your children

* create harmony in your home

* sit by a campfire alone

How would you fill in the blank?

The sister closing the meeting mentioned how wonderful it is that the Lord knows us and can reach out and communicate with us individually.  I agree.  What a marvelous blessing!

There are so many thought-provoking ideas – and more out there.   Definitely enough to do at least one daily – and many are things I do daily or would love to do daily already.  I just need to remember to look for those opportunities and then act on the promptings that come.

“The words written in the scriptures and spoken in general conference are for us to “liken them unto [ourselves],” not for reading or hearing only. Too often we attend meetings and nod our heads; we might even smile knowingly and agree. We jot down some action points, and we may say to ourselves, “That is something I will do.” But somewhere between the hearing, the writing of a reminder on our smartphone, and the actual doing, our “do it” switch gets rotated to the “later” position. Brethren, let’s make sure to set our “do it” switch always to the “now” position!

…Let us earnestly seek the light of personal inspiration. Let us plead with the Lord to endow our mind and soul with the spark of faith that will enable us to receive and recognize the divine ministering of the Holy Spirit for our specific life situations and for our challenges…” – President Uchtdorf

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