{For credits, go here.}
This banner would have been perfect for Cinco de Mayo – if it was done in time. Sometimes the food is a priority. 😉 The banner makes for a fabulous party decoration anytime though. I was going for a colorful after-a-pinata-burst look. *Fiesta!*
We celebrated the day by having yummy Cafe Rio style salads:
…and playing outside for hours with Jim Bob’s brother John.
There was lots of frisbee and then a new game broke out. It started with one little one in a hollow construction tube:
Drewby started looking for a friend:
And along came Uncle John:
Soon there was a whole lotta people (5 in this photo) rolling around:
Times like that just make me smile.
So does this photo. Partly because of the large apron-bib. Partly the smile behind the binky. The tight grip on the sippy cup… it all contributes.
Such a fun, laughter-filled playing time.
Later Jim Bob and John started their own fun.
Jim Bob called it “a new take on the classic log rolling sport of lumberjacks… with less water and more kids inside the log.” Yeah, that pretty much sums it up. 🙂
You can even play frisbee at the same time… if you’re coordinated.
John got a lesson, Katey got snuggles and the neighbor got a wave…
We’re thankful John lives so close and could come visit – mid-week even. He came to dinner and said the blessing on the food in Spanish. John served his mission in Mexico and said where he served – they hardly celebrated Cinco de Mayo at all. I found that kinda interesting… and sad. I always imagined huge, noisy, yummily-scented celebrations. I don’t understand all the social significance – it would make for some interesting research. For me, Cinco de Mayo is a time to celebrate Mexican culture, most especially the food… and sometimes a pinata.
These were in the plans, but will have to be made for another time. My ideas always outshine the time available. We settled for fiesta Starburst instead, which were quite yummy and were thankfully on hand for such an occasion. It’s not my favorite to change plans at the end, but our children are so good to adjust. Plus if I was hurriedly trying to make mini pinatas, I would have missed out on the fun activities above. How sad would that have been? 🙂 I’m learning.
Perhaps someday now that I have the banner made we can make miniature pinatas and have another fiesta. That would be a fun activity to do together. Feliz Tres de Septiembre? Sounds good to me. 😉

So fun! Thanks for sharing Becky!
Absolutely! 🙂
Becky! I love the pictures of the “log rolling.” 🙂 Can I try it next time I’m down?
Also, you take amazing food pictures.
Of course you may Anna – I don’t think the log is going anywhere. 😉 And thank you about the food photos – you do a pretty good job yourself! 🙂
Love it! Nothing better than a reason to party… Looks like you had so much fun!
Ah – you caught me Mandi! Parties are grand – especially annual parties – and spontaneous parties – and, okay – any party.