Jim Bob and I are getting good at taking turns. We have to when half our household is sick. We prefer going to the temple together, but took turns yesterday so that we could both worship.
There was a wonderful baptism yesterday too. It’s been a few years in the making. Three of the children in the family were in my primary class six years ago. We would pick them up for church and activities and grew to love the family. I got to be there as our ward mission leader taught those three about the gospel and watched them just grow and blossom. Three years ago they were baptized and they asked Jim Bob to do it. What an honor. Afterwards I was able to be the mom’s visiting teacher for about a year. I also got to teach the sunbeam class (primary class for the children turning four) with her. Jim Bob was called to be their home teacher for around a year. One of the daughters was in my Activity Days group last year. Anyway, we LOVE this family! And all the connections.
The grandpa of the family (they all live together – grandpa, grandma, dad, mom, and seven children) told me once that he was too old to change his ways and be baptized. I gave him a hard time about it (he’s one that enjoys the teasing), but did not want to go too far. When we were in Salt Lake City last November, visiting my parents on their mission, we went to an exhibit about families. The many blessings we enjoy as families here and in the future were shown and I thought about how I wanted that for this family. For all of them. Well, I referred the grandpa’s name. I figured the worst thing that could happen would be the fun razzing I could give him after he said no. Imagine my surprise when a week later I found out he was being taught by the sister missionaries in our area. And, it had nothing to do with me. 😉 He was already visiting with them. A month later I got a message from the sister missionary on Temple Square saying she was so sorry, but she had tried multiple times and had not been able to get ahold of him. I wish I could call back and let her know. Sometimes the timing of things just makes me smile.
Yesterday was the grandpa’s baptism. He was baptized by his good friend and neighbor. And we had four sick children. That timing did not make me smile. I wanted us all there. But once again we took turns. I went to the baptism with Jacob and Joshua. When the grandpa came out of the water he said “I needed that!” Don’t we all?
Jim Bob went to the confirmation today (as part of Sacrament Meeting). He said it was wonderful.

This makes us smile!!! Thanks for sharing! 🙂 🙂
Sure Love you!
Dad & Mom