Dear CMAs…

I love you, I really do.  But you make it hard for a girl to be productive.  Especially when she has plans to clean her laundry room up right good.  It’s a little embarrassing to have taken a before shot of the messy laundry room and not be able to post a shiny clean after photo.  Not yet at least.  But it’s understandable with your sparkly gowns, catchy tunes and stories that include turtles on fenceposts.  Not to mention real-life love stories, fabulous duets and snowing indoors.  What’s not to love?  It doesn’t hurt when your hunny is a DJ for the local country radio station and he insists that watching is “research” for his show the next day.  Okay, CMA Awards, you win.  What do you say – same time, same place next year??  Much love,  Becky

Needless to say, my planned creation of a clean, beautiful laundry room was postponed.  I’ll have to settle for creating some fun-lovin’ dance moves and some rockin’ lip syncin’.  Hmmm, that ain’t settlin’.  😉

{Congratulations to Sugarland for winning Vocal Duo of the Year.  One of my favorite groups ever!}

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  1. I can sure relate. The class I was supposed to go to last night was cancelled and I had an evening FREE! Not usual around here. What did I do..get alot done and have a sparkling clean house, or fun baked goods or alot of organization or cubscout stuff done? Nope. Watched the CMA’s while I knit. LOVED all the winners they picked..I totally approved this year! Especially Brad Paisley for Entertainer of the year. He deserved it!!
    An evening well spent. I wish I could call it research though!

  2. I agree – it was a lot of good picks. I hear Brad Paisley does an amazing show. I’d love to find out someday! 🙂

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