Andrew was trying on costumes and changing his mind multiple times – not allowed on Halloween Eve. Especially since I stayed up late the night before making his pirate hat, sash, bandana and eyepatch. But, nonetheless, that was his activity and entertainment for his aunty Liz.
He popped on his trusty pumpkin costume (two years running now. Last year he wanted to be pumpkin pie though. Cute – we went with it. 🙂 ). This afternoon he sauntered up to Lizzy and said, “Do you love me?” Her reply: “Oh yes, of course”. His answer to that was “Do you want to eat me? … Because I am a pumpkin?”
After much discussion between the two of us, it looks like this year he’s decided to be … a pirate pumpkin.
edited to add: Andrew decided at the last minute to just be a pirate like his brothers. That was fine with me. I think it might have had something to do with the very cool pirate swords we made Halloween afternoon that went in their sashes. It still would have looked cute around his very ample pumpkin belly too.

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