Comically thankful

I placed these comic papers around the tables for Thanksgiving. While the younger crowd dished up their food the older ones drew comics. Then while the adults finished eating, the younger ones that wanted drew a comic as well. Funny, thoughtful, downright silly – all were great fun! …and all made it to the fridge. 😉

*This is a place holder for all the comics I need to find on my SD card and put here – they are amazing.  The anticipation will only make “Bob the Turtle” and “Smiley Man” that much more exciting.  Coming Soon.  I promise.  *POW* *

Nutmeg Candy Candy by Cosmo Cricket
font: DJB Poppyseed

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  1. So many absolutely fabulous things you are doing with Cosmo Cricket. I LOVE THEM! I think I need to make myself some gratitude comics. My kids would flip. I would like them much more than the Star Wars comics they’be been making [though quite honestly, any type of comic is really fun when they make it]. You get the queen award for the day.

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